Star Your



Get in. sit back and experience the comfort of car that takes youdirecty to your destination.

Arriving work as a sardine with public trensport or sweating is a thing of the past.

How to get started?

Create your account

Complete your account with some basic information including your home your work location and your working hours.

Plan your journeys

Open the app, click the agenda tab and enter your working hours for the coming week. Then you’ll be presented with a list of our drivers.

Meet your driver

Use our chat to get to know your match with our driver. You’ll be picked up at your regular location, or agree on an alternative pick-up location.

Enjoy your journey

Get in. sit back and enjoy your journey that takes you directly to your destination with some free cup of coffee from us.

Company is a mobille carpool platform that effortlessly brings commuters together in one car. traveling home and work will never be the same again. Our mission is to stop traffics jams and CO2 poluttion as a result of inefficient car commuting.

Our commitment
to your safety

With every safety feature we add

and every standard in the Community Guide that we uphold,

we are commited to protecting you thoughout the journey.

Learn more about our Comunity Guide here.

Dowload the Company application

to get more benefits and experience

Resolution Center


About Us


Investor relations

Global citixenship




Our Product

Take a trip

Drive it


Company for Bussiness

Company Frieght


Company Air

Advanced Technologies Group

@2020 Company Technologies Inc.